
Self-Insured Program Administration Services

CHWCA contracts with Sedgwick to handle the day-to-day operations of the group providing underwriting, financial, claims, litigation and general risk management.

Workers' Compensation

Providing WC and employer's liability coverage utilizing the concept of pooled sharing of losses. First-dollar to statutory coverage afforded to our members.

Risk Control Program

CHWCA members have a range of safety resources available in order to help prevent and reduce losses. The resources available include webinars, streaming videos, on-site training, and sample programs.

Virtual Safety Manager Program (VSM)

The VSM Program provides agencies with resources to facilitate and administer a robust training program. VSM utilizes a combination of online tools and resources to deliver training to employees.

Our History

The California Housing Workers' Compensation Authority (CHWCA) is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) established in 1991 by public housing authorities in the State of California. CHWCA provides its members with a comprehensive workers' compensation coverage program for the sharing of risk for self-insured losses, as well as jointly purchasing claims adjusting services, actuarial services, risk control services, and legal services connected with the program.

View the Membership


CHWCA is governed by a seven (7) member Executive Committee which is elected by the 27 member Board of Directors. Each of CHWCA's 27 member agencies appoint one primary and one alternate member to serve on the Board of Directors.

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